Cotton in Karakalpakstan will be grown by clustering method for the first time

Cotton in Ellikkala district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan will be harvested by clustering method this year.

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures of introducing modern forms of organizing cotton and textile production” of January 25 of this year, the LLC “Boston Cluster” was organized in the district. Within the framework of the project, this year it is planned to plant 11 thousand 40 hectares of cotton and get 22 centners of yield per hectare.

– LLC “Boston Cluster” will conclude contractual agreements with 380 farms specializing in cotton growing, – said the deputy chief of Ellikkala district department of agriculture and water resources Olimboy Seytimbetov. – A new method, first applied in the cotton industry of Karakalpakstan, is of great interest among farmers.

In accordance with the resolution, LLC “Boston Cluster” will provide necessary assistance to farmers in effective and rational use of land, water and other resources, increasing yields, timely collection of grown cotton. In addition, it will ensure its processing and production of qualitative products. It will assist farmers in purchasing agricultural machinery on the basis of leasing, supplying mineral fertilizers, seeds, fuels and lubricants, means of chemical protection of plants and other material resources. The price for raw cotton purchased by the organizer of cotton and textile production is established on a contractual basis, taking into account the costs generated on the basis of agro-technological maps, the profitability of farms and should not be lower than the established prices for state needs.

– Introduction of a new method will help to increase the yield of cotton in farms, – said Uralbay Kalkhonov, chief specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. – Now the farms will profit not only from grown raw cotton, but also a certain proportion of its processing and finished products made from it. This will further strengthen the economic base of farms.
