The national director of Industry, César Augusto Cruz, called on producers for the need to re-launch the value chain of cotton production.
For the official, the re-launch of this industry in the country is a great opportunity for cotton production and the creation of the value chain for this raw material in Angola.
“With the reactivation of the textile industries in Benguela, Luanda and Kwanza Norte, Angola has created the conditions to grow cotton on a large scale and put the country back on the world market as one of the biggest players in that commodity,” he said.
According to the National Director for Industry, César Augusto Cruz, who was speaking Thursday in the city of Dondo, at the closing ceremony for the professional training of 900 young people at the TEXTAF textile factory, Comandante Bula, young people should be mobilised to take the lead in cotton production and in creating small manufacturing industries.
However, the director of TEXTAF Comandante Bula, Alexandre Carlos Neto, said that the company has already started to take the first steps in cotton cultivation, with the partnership of South African business groups, which are investing in Malanje province.
Alexandre Neto said that the company has cotton seeds available for citizens interested in growing cotton.