Of Virginia’s 80,000 cotton acres harvested in 2023, 34,200 acres were grown in Southampton County In the nation’s northernmost cotton-producing state,…
Insights Ahmed Fine Textile Mills, a leader in textile manufacturing and sustainability, will be participating in Heimtextil 2025, the world’s…
With the fall edition of Interwoven soon after October High Point Market and after an intense presidential election, optimism seemed…
QUEENSLAND University of Technology will lead a project aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cotton production systems after receiving…
The Energy Technological Institute (ITE), a Valencia, Spain-based non-profit research and development association, is leading an innovative renewable hydrogen project…
VS&Co has embarked on a first-of-its-kind initiative to purchase cotton directly from four Alabama family farms – three women-owned, and…
Insights Cotton trading in Brazil gained momentum in mid-November, driven by firm demand. Buyers actively sought new batches to meet…
The roadmap is intended to boost the production of sustainable cotton in the Uzbekistan, which is one of the world’s…
Eucotton, a European association dedicated to the promotion of sustainable cotton grown in Europe, has organised the Sustainable Fashion Event,…
Agora Fabrics, an international brand specializing in high-quality outdoor textiles, is proud to announce a partnership with Utah-based textile company…