Bedding producer Himatsingka building towel mill

New York – Himatsingka will soon break ground on a terry towel plant, part of a three-pronged expansion of its production capacity.

The proposed towel plant is planned at capacities between 25,000-30,000 tons per year of terry. Work will begin in the next few months and is slated to be complete in roughly one year.

The company recently completed the expansion of its sheeting capacity, a core competency on the manufacturing side. The buildout more than doubles capacity to 61 million meters per year.

In addition, Himatsingka has added a spinning plant to its operations outside Bangalore, India. The facility represents the world’s largest spinning operation under one roof 211,584 spindles. It will be fully operational by late fall. The plant will be dedicated to spinning the company’s PimaCott DNA tagged pima cotton and fine yarn counts.

“We remain focused on cementing a vertically integrated model characterized by seamless integration from fiber to shelf,” said Shrikant Himatsingka, managing director and group ceo of the company. “The group will operate amongst the largest capacities globally for its sheeting, spinning and terry towel platforms.”

One of the top 10 home textiles suppliers to the U.S. market, Himatsingka is also looking to make a bigger noise in across the pond. The company recently established the Himatsingka Europe. Henry James, senior sales director at UK-based Designers Guild for over 20 years, will lead the effort.
