The latest figures revealed by the Department of Commerce’s Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) show that Bangladesh registered the…
Professor Noureddine Abidi, Managing Director of Lubbock-based Fiber and Biopolymer Institute (FBRI) at Texas Tech University is using waste and…
Innovations in textile and design are two subjects that go hand in hand with sustainable manufacturing. At the recent ReMode…
Applied DNA Sciences (APDN) has shown in a study that its DNA taggants could be used to authenticate denim products,…
New research released today shows that consumers across the five largest EU markets want to know more about the social…
The Minister of Science and Technology Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu has launched the transgenic cotton seed aimed at boosting the textile…
At the Cotton Sourcing USA Summit in Scottsdale, Ariz., Cotton Council International President Ted Schneider updated the more than 400…
Ikea has come up with a plan to help some of the world’s most polluted cities breathe easier. The global…
With labor costs reaching more than 10 percent of farm revenue, Clemson University researchers are working to help American farmers…
A glucose-powered biofuel cell that uses electrodes made from cotton fiber could someday help power implantable medical devices such as…