China is set to boost its imports of cotton by issuing additional import quotas to mills, said the China Cotton…
The United States has banned cotton imported from Turkmenistan due to findings of state-enforced slave labor, a move celebrated by…
Wrangler, global denim manufacturer, has joined Cotton LEADS programme as a new member, in view of its commitment to promoting…
The types of goods to be exported by Brazil to China will be increased, with the inclusion, for example, of…
The cultivated area of cotton crops this year reached 300,000 feddans, according to Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Abdul…
Farmers worldwide are feeling the pinch as fuel costs rise to near four-year highs just as they plant and harvest…
More than one million bales of cotton (236,000 metric tonnes) were produced by farms in the Better Cotton licensing programme…
The demand for organic cotton from global apparel companies has prompted 1,000-odd farmers in the state to switch to eco-farming…
Cotton growers will be paid an export incentive of 10 percent as Government moves to boost production of the crop.…
Engineers iron out the wrinkles in producing strong and durable materials While wearing a crisply ironed, wrinkle-free shirt makes a…