Government has assured cotton farmers that a new producer price for the crop will be announced soon. This could result in increased deliveries of the ‘white gold’ to various depots countrywide.
Most farmers have been holding on to their crop in anticipation of an announcement of a higher producer price.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Rural Resettlement Davis Marapira said Government was finalising this year’s cotton producer price.
“Government would like to assure cotton farmers that we are busy working on this season’s cotton producer price and communication to the effect will be made in due course and meanwhile we want to appeal to our farmers to be patient,” said Minister Marapira.
The Deputy Minister said Government was aware of the concerns raised by farmers who wanted an upward review of the cotton price.
In the Lowveld, deliveries of the crop to various depots had been generally low with farmers having delivered more than 100 tonnes to depots at Checheche, Ngundu and Chiredzi.
Cotton Producers and Marketers Association national chairman Mr Steward Mubonderi urged Government to announce the new cotton producer price to enable farmers to plan accordingly for the next season.
“We are delighted that the country’s cotton industry has been boosted and revived by the zanu-pf Government, which provided adequate cotton inputs to more than 400 000 farmers under the Presidential Inputs Support Scheme in the just-ended farming season,” he said.
“Farmers in Gokwe, Chiredzi, Nyazura, Checheche among other areas have started delivering their cotton to buying points.”