Chairman of the Egyptian Cotton Exporters Association Nabil el-Santaricy expected exports of cotton “white gold” to increase to 1.3 million kantars, at a total value of 150 million dollars, during the current year.
In statements to Xinhua on Wednesday 3/10/2018, he said that contracts to be signed during the current year to export long staple cotton will increase to reach 1.3 million kantars, compared to 1.1 million kantars in the 2017/2018 season and 600,00 kantars in the 2015/2016 season.
He further underlined that India is a top importer of Egyptian cotton as it imports 50% of Egypt’s cotton exports, followed by China, Pakistan, Turkey, Brazil and Bangladesh.
Compared to international cotton production, Egypt exported large quantities of cotton this year, nearly 25 million tons, including 500,000 tons of long staple cotton.
*Kantar : any of various units of weight used in Mediterranean countries (as an Egyptian unit equal to about 99 pounds and a Turkish unit equal to about 124¹/₂ pounds)