Quality of Brazilian fiber opens doors for more exports

Quality of Brazilian fiber opens doors for more exports

For the President of Abrapa (Brazilian Association of producers of Mato Grasso), Arlindo de Azevedo Moura, the cotton of Mato Grosso struck a rare stage in the world, in which large-scale production combines the quality of cotton.

“The production quality of Mato Grosso is very similar to the American fiber, but with a crucial difference: the very significant gain in productivity”, says Moura.

According to him, the American producer harvests 846 lbs of cotton per acre, while the producers of Mato Grosso have collected an average of 1,367 lbs cotton per acre.

Other advantages to the Mato Grosso cotton producer are the great availability of suitable soils and climatic conditions, which allow the planting under crop rotation with soybeans and corn. This helps to combat pests and reduces investment risk.

Source: www1.folha.uol.com.br