TikTok FASHION vlogger LuCinia Tomas has netted nearly 106,000 subscribers with short videos documenting her affordable outfits. Her video views surged after she began posting a series of clips comparing near-identical clothing from two fashion retailers, Zara and Shein. In her most popular video, which has racked up 9.4 million views, she models two seemingly indistinguishable green-and-black patterned dresses—one from Zara that costs $79, and another from Shein, priced at $15.
Many of Tomas’s viewers commented that they saw no differences between the dresses, with one asking: “Are these the same dresses, just with an insane markup at Zara?” Another said: “Shein all the way. I won’t be wearing the dress every day.”
In recent months, the hashtags #zaravsshein and #zaradupes have gone viral on social media platforms—attracting nearly 40 million views each on TikTok. The trend has also inspired several stand-alone Instagram accounts, like @zara.vs.shein, which has over 47,000 followers.