What are the qualities that make Greek cotton desirable for the market?

Due to the market proximity to European production and short distances Greek cotton has a comparatively low ecological footprint. Two ports also ensure optimal shipping to the Far East. In Europe, no GMO cotton may be grown. The technical values of Greek cotton have improved again considerably in recent years. In the past, average fibre length was 1.3/32. Today it is 1.1/8 to 1.5/32 inch.

At 29 to 32 g/tex, the strength is higher than in the past. The degree of whiteness is mostly between 31 and 41. There is also a small production of long staple cotton.

Its average fibre length amounts to 1.3/8 to 1.7/16. The biggest risks in marketing lie in the weather. If it rains in times when the cotton capsules are open or there is frost, the colour changes from white to light spot- ted/spotted or flat/light grey.

This season, the total crop amounts to a 10 % increase over the previous year with approximately 250000 tonnes, of which nearly 90 % will be exported. We are assuming an unsold quantity from this year’s harvest of just under 100,000 tonnes. Otto Stadt- lander offers Greek cotton ex-stock in Greece. Because of its good quality, we no longer sell the cotton only in Europe, but increasingly to Egypt, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh and China.”

Source: http://thrakika.gr